
Marine aquarium salt
Marine aquarium salt

marine aquarium salt

The reported values of calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium are listed in the reef salt comparison chart, for each brand and the recommended range/value is included at the bottom. Look across these marine reef aquarium salt mixes to compare the levels of calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium compared with the recommended range Several of the top aquarium salt brands are listed below, along with the values for calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium, as reported on their product labels. How do the major aquarium salt brands stack up across these important parameters? Often times, those unsolvable problems are solved by raising the Magnesium. Magnesium does become particularly important if you run into algae problems that you just can’t solve, like with Bryopsis, Hair algae or Cyanobacteria. That doesn’t mean it isn’t important, just that you likely have it covered. Since magnesium is generally readily available in a high-quality salt mix, you just want to double-check and make sure that it is also abundant in the brand you choose…just so you know it is not something you generally need to worry about, in the best reef salt mix brands. The recommended range for magnesium in a healthy saltwater aquarium is ~1250 to 1400 ppm. It ‘works’ with calcium and impacts the balance of alkalinity in the aquarium water. Magnesium is one of the most abundant of the ‘trace’ minerals in saltwater. I took this picture of Instant Ocean salt mix myself…can you tell? Hahaha.

Marine aquarium salt