So why does that happen? Well, the reason behind this is less air on the tire which absorbs vibrations and bumps. Plus, that tire helps to pass more vibrations from the tire to the vehicle’s suspension. Those types of tires offer shorter and stiffer walls, reducing roll around corners and thus improving handling. On the other hand, the tire with a low aspect ratio works well for high-performance cars. But, the riding became more comfortable because of more air in the tire. The handling may compromise with the high aspect ratio of the tire. Typically, here the aspect ratio will become as high as 95.

Heavier vehicles like buses, trucks and luxury cars come with a higher aspect ratio. The higher size aspect ratio indicates the taller sidewall of the tire. Let’s clarify it with an example, the aspect ratio of 55 indicates the tire height is 55% of the section width in measurement. Here the height measures from bead to the top of the tread.

Aspect ratio indicates the height of a tire. Do you know it’s insight? Well, let’s figure it out from here. It is natural to introduce an aspect ratio for a car owner. Let’s see an example, suppose the aspect ratio is 55% indicates the tire height is 55% of the section width in measurement.Īctually, that’s a summary, and the following discussion contains a lot of related information regarding your query. Here the height is measured from bead to tread related to the width of the tire. So, what is the aspect ratio of a tire? Aspect ratio of a tire specifies a tire’s height. As a car owner, you have to know something mandatorily like the sidewall marking, tire aspect ratio, and the aspect ratio of a tire. Do you wonder what those numbers specify? Knowing those numbers is mandatory because who knows when you need them. If you own a car, hopefully, you will notice some number on the tire’s sidewall.